Read and discuss recently released literary fiction, fantasy, and science fiction, hosted by Curious Iguana bookseller Shelby. Featured titles are 20% off at Curious Iguana (just mention New & Notable at checkout).
Registration is required. Register for the month’s you’d like to participate in by clicking the individual links below.
2025 Featured titles:
January 8: Woo Woo by Ella Baxter (author will join the discussion)
February 12: No Place to Bury the Dead by Karina Sains Borgo
March 12: Elegy, Southwest by Madeleine Watts
April 9: Paradise Logic by Sophie Kemp (author will join the discussion)
May 14: Friends of the Museum by Heather McGowan
June 11: The Fact Checker by Austin Kelley
July 9: Atmosphere by Taylor Jenkins Reid
August 13: Honey by Isabel Banta (author will join the discussion)
September 10: Loneliness & Company by Charlee Dyroff (author will join the discussion)
October 8: 13 Months Haunted by Jimmy Juliano
November 12: Devil is Fine by John Vercher (author will join the discussion)