Bulk Orders

Buying Books In Bulk

Need 10–24 copies of the same title? Get a discounted rate when you order through us. Bulk orders are local pick-up unless shipping costs have been determined. These books are also non-returnable and not re-sellable.

When you order through Curious Iguana, you can feel good about where your money is going, knowing you’re supporting a small business and helping the local economy.

* All book sales are reported to the New York Times and ABA/Bookscan bestseller lists.

Business-to-Business (B2B) Orders

Don’t let the name fool you—anyone can request a B2B order. Minimum volume requirements are 25+ copies of the same title (with some publisher exceptions—ask for more details). Most B2B orders qualify for free drop shipping for one ship-to address. These books are non-returnable and they cannot be resold. 

We're Here to Help

For Local Authors

Stock Your Book With Us
If you are an author living in Frederick County whose book was published within the past two years, we may be interested in stocking your book at our store.

Local Author Showcase
We hope to work with our friends at Frederick County Public Libraries to host an annual event to showcase the work of local authors. 

We reward voracious readers!

Join our Customer Loyalty Club – free of charge – and earn $10 off for every $100 spent on book purchases. Next time you visit, give us your name, phone number, and email, and we’ll add you to the club!